Branding starts with your name.

Branding starts with your name. What’s in a name? Plenty. Differentiation for one, if you’re naming a company.  But if you’re naming a dog, probably not a big issue except that your neighbors will hear you calling and will judge your creativity and imagination if you name it Dog or Spot and wonder about your political correctness if […]

Clients don’t know.

Clients don’t know. This is rule number one if you are in the brand development process. Don’t misquote me.  Clients know a lot about their products and their customers but clients are humans and humans have perceptions that sometimes are wrong and this can be a huge problem.  Remember—in the brand development process perception is […]

What is the easiest way to sell potatoes?

What is the easiest way to sell potatoes? Often the difference between a good product or service and an average product or service is image and design, but the third essential is great creative.  “Great creative” is an advertising term used to describe how well the product’s  message is communicated to the target audience. Great creative is […]

Make a profit, please.

Please, make a profit. By Ken Gasque | Listen, Brand, Advertising If You Don’t Make A Profit You Won’t Be There When Needed. Have you heard the news media reporting that Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes?  “Please, raise my taxes.”  Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Monday that rich Americans, including himself, are not paying enough in taxes. “The […]

What is perception? What is differentiation?

What is perception? What is differentiation? Your self-perception and your reality are often depicted as two overlapping circles.  One circle represents how you perceive yourself.  Another circle represents how others perceive you. The reality is the overlapped area contained in both circles.  What is perception? There is a marketing cliche –Perception is reality.  And even […]

What is perception and how does it work?

What is perception and how does it work? You have heard that “truth is stranger than fiction.” But did you know that fiction is more readily believed than truth?  We read Harry Potter and have no problem believing in goblins, witches and all sort of magic acts.  We go to movies and cry because the […]

What is perception… decisions, decisions, decisions

What is perception? Decisions, decisions, decisions… How fast is a perception? Malcolm Gladwell describes this decision making process in his book Blink… how fast is a perception? Psychologist Nalini Ambady asked her students to review three ten-second videotapes of a teacher without any sound.  She then asked them to rate the teacher.  She did the […]

A visual of your brand communicates

A visual of your brand communicates 60,000 times faster than print. In a recent blog I was praising the power of the visual to communicate, —“We buy with our eyes”—and a reader, a friend and a Radio Sales Rep, took me to task and said not so fast, radio is a pretty effective medium as […]

You don’t know the most prolific inventor in U.S. history because of his perceptions.

You don’t know the most prolific inventor in U.S. history because of his perceptions. Perception is reality.  There are those who believe if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.  However, better marketing wins. Change your perception and change your reality. What is perception? Walter Hunt’s perception was […]