Branding on a Budget

Branding on a Budget “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein. Imagination is also the best way to differentiate your product or service if you combine it with some guts and a little humor… doing it with budget branding makes it even more fun. There are very few products or services that are unique. […]

The Brand Development Process–Think Like A 7 Year-Old

The brand development process-think like a 7 year-old By Ken Gasque        June 9, 2022  What is perception? We come to problems with our perception because that is what we have. It is only natural. However, it won’t be easy because perceptions are reality.  So think like a 7 year old and change those […]

Make a profit, please.

Please, make a profit. By Ken Gasque | Listen, Brand, Advertising If You Don’t Make A Profit You Won’t Be There When Needed. Have you heard the news media reporting that Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes?  “Please, raise my taxes.”  Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Monday that rich Americans, including himself, are not paying enough in taxes. “The […]

The brand development process begins with design.

The brand development process begins with design. Your mother always told you not to judge a book by its cover.  But you do.  Because design is powerful. Graphic Design by Milton Glazor There are other expressions you have heard. “Clothes make the man.” And “beauty is skin deep.” Oscar Wilde said, “It is only shallow […]

Brand Purpose

Brand Purpose The Association of National Advertisers’ Masters of Marketing conference was held last month in Orlando, Fla. Big and small marketers came together to share best practices and ideas.  Brand purpose and strong creative are still marketers best tools. The most interesting man in the world ad campaign for Dos Equis So what did they […]

What is perception and how does it work?

What is perception and how does it work? You have heard that “truth is stranger than fiction.” But did you know that fiction is more readily believed than truth?  We read Harry Potter and have no problem believing in goblins, witches and all sort of magic acts.  We go to movies and cry because the […]