Five fundamental rules for marketing and branding.

Five fundamental rules for marketing and branding. There are more than 5 rules for Brand image-makers but these 5 are the essential rules for small businesses.  Business people and professionals often scoff ‘everyone knows that, it’s basic’ and then they give them a cursory ‘lick and a promise.’ Not so fast, these rules are what […]

The biggest reason advertising fails

The biggest reason advertising fails I met Bob Evans Jr. several years ago at a convention. He was the keynote speaker. After his speech I introduced myself to him and told him how much I enjoyed and appreciated his speech. We talked for a bit and then he asked me what I did for a […]

Clients don’t know.

Clients don’t know. This is rule number one if you are in the brand development process. Don’t misquote me.  Clients know a lot about their products and their customers but clients are humans and humans have perceptions that sometimes are wrong and this can be a huge problem.  Remember—in the brand development process perception is […]

What is the easiest way to sell potatoes?

What is the easiest way to sell potatoes? Often the difference between a good product or service and an average product or service is image and design, but the third essential is great creative.  “Great creative” is an advertising term used to describe how well the product’s  message is communicated to the target audience. Great creative is […]

Make a profit, please.

Please, make a profit. By Ken Gasque | Listen, Brand, Advertising If You Don’t Make A Profit You Won’t Be There When Needed. Have you heard the news media reporting that Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes?  “Please, raise my taxes.”  Legendary investor Warren Buffett said on Monday that rich Americans, including himself, are not paying enough in taxes. “The […]

The development process… How is your image?

The brand development process… How is your image? The brand development process begins with your image.  Is your image what you want it to be?  Is it accurate?  Do you even know what it is? I am speaking about businesses, services and products. You have heard the adage— “you can’t judge a book by its […]

The paradox of choice.

The paradox of choice. By Dr. Leslie Pitner Americans love freedom of choice — having options and keeping our options open. We believe more choices add to our happiness. But what if it isn’t true that more choices make us happier? In the traditional view presented by economists, people are rational actors who strive to […]