Strategy, who are you trying to reach and what makes you different?

Strategy, who are you trying to reach and what makes you different? “Begin with the end in mind.”  Stephen Covey. What is your strategy to get you to the end?  What is your offer and what differentiates it from competitive products or services? Differentiation is an experience.  A brand is an experience.  An experience can […]

Branding starts with your name.

Branding starts with your name. What’s in a name? Plenty. Differentiation for one, if you’re naming a company.  But if you’re naming a dog, probably not a big issue except that your neighbors will hear you calling and will judge your creativity and imagination if you name it Dog or Spot and wonder about your political correctness if […]

Branding basics for a new business

Branding Basics for a New Business Branding rules for starting a business, launching a new product/service or refurbishing an old brand 1. Know your prospect (immutable law of branding and marketing).  2. Determine if anyone really needs this product or service. 3. Differentiate—offer something that is different—a difference that matters to the consumer (do they […]

Nine steadfast rules of marketing.

Nine steadfast rules of marketing. These may seem like common sense rules but entrepreneurs and business owners often forget everything they learned about the rules of branding, marketing and advertising when they begin marketing their own products and services.  It becomes personal. Make it simple.  I don’t know what an Idiomatic Algorithm Modernizer P3 is.  […]

Branding with humor.

Branding with humor. Sometimes a simple idea is more effective and engaging than a collection of ideas that try to communicate all of the features and benefits of your service. The problem with the simple idea is not the idea but the client’s resistance to it.  They feel that it’s just too simple to work.  […]

The brand development process- Positioning and Pricing

The brand development process- Positioning and Pricing By Ken Gasque  May 28, 2022  You don’t have to compete on price.  So, why do you? Do you know the Brand development process? Cheap– opposite of a brandMarket penetration?  Maybe it’s because it seems to be the easiest way to get into the market.  Or fear.  Afraid you will […]

Be distinct… or become extinct!

Be distinct or become extinct… By Ken Gasque April 3, 2022 Tom Peters said “distinct…or extinct” in his book The Brand You. He was talking about personal branding, but the same tactics apply to businesses. If your product/service is no different from your competition, why should the consumer consider it unless you are willing to compete on price?  […]

A visual of your brand communicates 60,000 times faster than print.

A visual of your brand communicates 60,000 times faster than print. By Ken Gasque March 22, 2022 advertise, Brand, Brand development process, Visual, Design     In a recent blog I was praising the power of the visual to communicate, —“We buy with our eyes”—and a reader, a friend and a Radio Sales Rep, took me to task and said […]

Brand Developers What is Your Why?

Brand Developers What is Your Why? Many business people think that ‘getting your name out’ through the media, word of mouth, and Internet is branding.  Getting your name out is good but it’s not branding.  Brand developers are looking for something that is more…something that sets you apart. Brand developers, what is your why?  Why […]

Rate Your Brand

Rate Your Brand The short definition of a brand is a claim of distinction.  Without distinction, your company and products could be considered Brand X, generic, or worse, a commodity.  But with distinction customers have a clear reason to choose your company over your competitor.  If your customers are getting tattos of your logo you […]