Clients don’t know.

Clients don’t know. This is rule number one if you are in the brand development process. Don’t misquote me.  Clients know a lot about their products and their customers but clients are humans and humans have perceptions that sometimes are wrong and this can be a huge problem.  Remember—in the brand development process perception is […]


Creative branding begins with frequency By Ken Gasque June 9, 2022 Ronco Veg-O-Matic Reach and Frequency are advertising terms.  Reach is the number of different people who are exposed to an advertising message. Frequency refers to the number of times an audience sees a message.  Frequency is the most important number.  Creative branding is about showing […]

Persistence–the secret of the brand development process.

Persistence-the secret of the brand development process. There are four rules we think are the key to success. The main lesson is persistence–it is the secret to the brand development process. We made a poster to illustrate these rules and very cleverly called them “The Four Rules of Success.” You will find our posters in elementary, […]